Wayne Moore
Currently teaching Painting & Sculpture at Mohawk College, Con. Ed, and Dundas Valley School of Art.
Previously taught at Sheridan College, Con Ed. , the Art Gallery of Burlington, Visual Arts Mississauga, and Oakvile Art Society.
- Ontario College of Art – Toronto – Drawing & Painting.
Recent Awards
- 09 – Pastel Artists.Ca (PAC) 18th Open Juried Show, F+W Publication Award – Etobicoke
- 08 – BAC Pearl Award , Volunteer Recognition Award, Honourable Mention
- 07 – Nominated for the City of Burlington’s K.W. Irmisch Award, Arts Person of the Year, 2006.
- 03 – Alice Peck Award, Acrylic, “Pentimenti #4″, Burl. Fine Arts Assoc. Juried Show, B.A.C. Perry Gallery; Juror:Judy Major- Girardin
- 03 – Honorable Mention , ceramic “Seated Figure”, Burlington Sculpture Guild: B.A.C. Perry Gallery; Juror: Graham Todd
- 01 – Juror’s Choice for Sculpture, Ceramic – B.A.C. Kaleidoscope;
- 00 – Jurors’ Choice for Painting – Watercolour – B.A.C. Kaleidoscope; Jurors: Anne King and Margaret Clarke
- Many corporate & private collectors in Canada, United States, Mexico, England , the Netherlands and Japan. Some recent corporate commissions include Wescast Industries, the Burlington Chamber of Commerce, the City of Burlington, Hees International , J I Case Canada and International Trucks.
- Propeller Centre for the Visual Arts , Toronto, since 11, Art Etc.; BAC, Various mediums – since 92; Carriage House Gallery, Midland- 07-9; Fran Hill Gallery, Toronto, 02-5; Anastasia Gallery, Hamilton – since 02; Artistic Dimensions -Midland- 03-7; Abbozzo Gallery, Oakville, 97- 02; Artist Gallery, Burlington, 87-91 Others: Jive Gallery, Toronto ; Anthony Gallery, Burlington; Ah! Some Art, Sarnia; Greer Gallery, Burlington; Originals: Creations and Expressions, Oakville; Fawcett-Langdon Gallery, Burlington; Yumart, Toronto, painting since 2013